James E. Tubach
Date of Birth: April 16, 1926
Place of Birth: Falls City, Nebraska
Father and Mother’s Names: TBD
Spouse and Children's Names: TBD
Date Entered Service: December 22, 1944
Service Branch: Army
Rank/Specialty: Private
Service ID: TBD
Division/Company/Unit info: TBD
Riley Connection: Still lives in Manhattan today - Additional info TBD.
Date of Discharge: November 18, 1946
Bio: I was drafted into the service at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas on December 22, 1944 for the duration plus. It was just before Christmas. What a Christmas present! I attended Basic Training at Fort Hood, Texas, then I was sent to Fort Meade, Maryland. First, they issued me clothing for the European Theatre. After the German’s surrendered my orders changed, so I turned in my winter clothing, and boarded a troop train to California. There I was issued summer clothing, and boarded a ship headed to the Pacific Theatre. I sailed out under the Golden Gate Bridge to the unknown and thirty some days later, arrived in Manila Bay, Philippines. While at Manila Bay I spent time searching the hills around Manila for Japanese who were still hiding. Next, I boarded a ship headed for Japan. We were told we would be the first invaders to hit the mainland. While in route, the first nuclear bombs were dropped on Japan, and a treaty was signed on the U.S.S Missouri. The ship I was on continued on to Yokokama Bay where we went over the side of the ship with full field gear and into a landing craft, and were then taken to the shoreline. It was unknown if there would be any kind of resistance. It turned out to be peaceful and quiet. I will be forever grateful that the bombs were dropped and the treaty was signed before I landed. Many, many lives were surely saved. I am unable to include any dates as my records were destroyed in a fire at the National Personal Record Center in St. Louis, Missouri. I received an honorable discharge November 18, 1946 at Fort Lewis, Washington. I am very proud to have served my country.
- James Tubach